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Are there any other english speakers in France????

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par Kaelyn (31) Posté le 24-02-2010 à 14:48

Just to see if there are any english speakers here in France, I do of course speak French, but it is always nice to get a chance to speak in our own language
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Jack-Sprat (56) répond Posté le 08-04-2010 à 17:29
I'm English and living in France, I'm on week 3, only lost 2kilos so far but I am convinced that the MM Method is the way to go. All his scientific stuff makes perfect sense (is that how we spell scientific???)Slowly but surely.

Emmanuelle répond Posté le 08-04-2010 à 03:42
I speak in English and am following the program, but I'm not in France. =)

Kaelyn (31) répond Posté le 10-03-2010 à 11:02
Hello Catylille,

and welcome, I love Lille, my job used to take me there very often, I worked in the fashion business,a dn there are alot in the north.
You must have had a hard time in Palestin, I worked with the red cross in Roumania, woderful people, but I could not believe how much pain human beings can put on innocent children...
Anyway, I bet it is warmer in Lille than Toulous,e here 0.

catylille (59) répond Posté le 10-03-2010 à 09:13
I am a french lady..I worked with Médecins du Monde in Palestine and I had to speak english, during 1 year.
I am living in Lille, in the north, France
MM suits me a lot!!
only 4kg sinc 11 weeks but I eat in so wonderful
way.....!! I hope to lost more kgs, but I am not in a hurry!
ps: my english is not so good.... but it is good for me to experimente it again!!

Kaelyn (31) répond Posté le 10-03-2010 à 08:20
Welcome Libelle,
I see you live in 77, I used to live in Magny le Hongre until July last year, loved it!
Were you happy with the method MM, or did you have any problems before?

Sybille Prou (77) répond Posté le 09-03-2010 à 21:27
Hi everybody, I'm neither french nor english but I have been living in France for almost 18 years. I'd love to join your group. FYI I tried MM last year and lost quite a lot but have put on weight since last Xmas in my natal Germany. Feeling v. bad now have become an official MM fan. Looking forwrad to hearing from you, Libelle

Kaelyn (31) répond Posté le 27-02-2010 à 14:43
Hello Pascale,
Wow, New Caledonia, how did you find out about the method MM over there? How is it going for you?

pascal687 (NOUMEA, 98) répond Posté le 26-02-2010 à 23:23
I am... I live in New Caledonia ... close to Australia.

Kaelyn (31) répond Posté le 26-02-2010 à 21:09
For me it is okay, just difficlut as we are always invited to friends for dinner.... Already I am allergic to wine, dried fruits... chocolate and loads of other stuff, so I now feel bad adding on more stuff that I have to ask not to eat... never mind, 4,5kilos in 4 weeks, I am over the moon, another 10kilos, and I will be back to normal... if I ever was normal!

Chris84 (80) répond Posté le 26-02-2010 à 14:03
I started last year in March, within 5 month I managed to loose about 10 kilos and I still follow the diet but not the strict way. I didn't put on weight since then and I feel good !
This way of eating really suits me.
How is it going for you ?